Key Contacts
Page history
last edited
by Dick Chady 3 years, 3 months ago
OLLI Staff
- Chris McLeod, Director, 919-684-2703, chris.mcleod@duke.edu
- Kathy Parrish, Assistant to the Director, 919-681-3476, kathy.parrish@duke.edu
- Betina Huntwork, Staff Assistant, 919-660-8509, betina.huntwork@duke.edu
Note: during the pandemic, the best way to contact staff is by email.
Instructor Relations Committee
Curriculum Committee
- Beth Anderson, Chair, 919-260-2466, beaadvocate@gmail.com
Area Chairs
- Art and Architecture: Chuck Berlin, 412-736-7323, cberlin@pitt.edu
- Economics & Public Policy: Larry Reed, 919-452-3896, lgreed3@gmail.com
(was Economics, Finances & Retirement)
- Hands-On Art: Lu Howard, 919-309-4925, llhoward@nc.rr.com
and Jeane Bross, 919-268-5947, norskejob@gmail.com
- History: Past & Present: Ginger Wilson, 919-383-1773, wilson@ncssm.edu
(was History and Current Affairs)
- Literature and Languages: Richard Weintraub, 919-688-0667, richardwolli@aol.com
(was Literature, Language and Drama)
- Performing Arts: Charles Del Dotto, 919-423-8103, cjdeldotto@gmail.com
- Photography: Howard Koslow, 919-943-9799, howard.koslow@gmail.com
- Religion & Philosophy: Murat Tasar, 540-522-1104, muratftasar@gmail.com
- Science & Technology: Frank Brown, 252-916-8483, brownfr.olli@gmail.com
(now includes Computer courses)
- Society & Culture: Margaret Brill, 919-641-0155, mbrill999@gmail.com
- Wellness Activities: Rosemary Dineen, 773-355-9099, roelowd@yahoo.com
(was Health & Wellness + Lifestyles)
- Writing: Beth Anderson, 919-260-2466, beaadvocate@gmail.com
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Key Contacts
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