
Real Time Feedback

Page history last edited by Mike Bahnaman 5 years, 4 months ago

OLLI encourages instructors to solicit student feedback both at the end of their course and near the beginning of each term.  We find that feedback collected early in the term can allow an instructor to make “mid‑course corrections” that can turn a good course into a great one. We call this early feedback “Real Time Feedback.”


One method that many instructors use to obtain real time feedback is to hand out a short form to each student with two or three questions that the student can answer anonymously in a sentence or two. Ideally, these forms are passed out by the Class Assistant at the beginning of an early class session and collected as students are leaving. The Class Assistant then turns the forms over to the instructor for his or her consideration. This feedback is for instructor use only, and the forms do not need to be turned into the OLLI office.


If you’d like to try this technique, OLLI will insert a supply of pre-printed forms with the following questions in your class folder early in the term:


  • “Based on the course so far, how do you feel about the depth of instruction (e.g., too detailed, just right, too basic)?”
  • “Based on the course so far, how do you feel about the pace of the course (e.g., too slow, just right, too fast)?”
  • “Is there anything the instructor could do differently to enhance your enjoyment of the course?”

If these questions would be useful for your class, you may use them; if these questions don’t apply, or if you would prefer to use your own questions, feel free to do so.


While using this method to obtain feedback is optional, many instructors have found it to be useful. For example, one instructor recently said “I’m glad OLLI suggested this. I received some useful comments that really helped improve my class.” Another mentioned “Doing the feedback opened up new vistas. Thanks for the idea!”


If you would like to share your thoughts on real time feedback, please contact Phil Carl at pcarl@bellsouth.net.


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