
Instructor FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Page history last edited by Mike Bahnaman 5 years, 9 months ago

Who thinks up OLLI courses?

There is no magic formula for coming up with new courses.  Here are just a few of the ways course concepts are developed:

  • Many of our courses, or variations of them, have been taught at OLLI before.  For instance, courses on Shakespeare, photo editing and memoir writing are taught on a regular basis.

  • Some courses are natural extensions of an instructor’s past teaching work.  For example, some former university professors will offer variations of courses they taught before retiring.

  • Sometimes, a member will just have a personal interest in a subject and will decide he/she wants to share it with others.  For example, one of our instructors, who is a physician, has a lifelong interest in Winston Churchill and decided to develop a course to share his love of the subject.

  • Sometimes, the Curriculum Committee will hear of an interest from our members and will go looking for an instructor.   


What constraints are there, if any, on the substance of a proposed course?

When we look at a new course proposal, we ask three questions:

  • Is this a course which could reasonably be offered at Duke for undergraduate or graduate students?
  • Is the subject matter in good taste?
  • Will it have broad enough appeal that a sufficient number of OLLI members will register?

These criteria help to maintain the high standards our students expect while allowing for a diverse and exciting set of courses.  We offer courses on everything from fly fishing to finite mathematics!


Note: Since OLLI at Duke operates under the auspices of a university that encourages a free exchange of ideas, each instructor must exercise objectivity and care in presenting material where significant difference of opinion exists. Instructors may not use their classrooms to advance the interests of any business, political or civic body, or religious perspective of which they are a part.


What is the process for proposing a new course?

If you have an idea for a new course, discuss it with a Curriculum Committee member or with the Director. They will help you assess whether the subject matter would be of interest to OLLI members and if a course could be appropriately structured.  Then fill out a Course Proposal Form and submit it to a Curriculum Committee member before the deadline specified on the form.  The Director will follow up with you and advise whether the proposal is accepted and to discuss specific course details.


Under what conditions would a course be cancelled?

In a typical term, fewer than 10% of our courses are canceled.  Courses are generally canceled for one of two reasons: (1) The instructor requests it due to illness or personal reasons, or (2) The enrollment is too low to justify offering it. 


How much reading / homework can I reasonably assign each week?

This varies greatly from course to course.  Many OLLI courses do not require any reading or homework.  In others, like literature courses, reading is an integral part of the learning process.   If you are unsure about what might be reasonable for your course, ask your Curriculum Committee contact or Chris McLeod (919-684-2703) for guidance.


What are considered reasonable costs for books & supplies for an OLLI class?

Costs for books and supplies also vary greatly from course to course.  Many OLLI courses do not use books or supplies at all.  Others have books that are recommended but not required.  Still others have required books and supplies that total more than $100.  The best guidance on what is reasonable for your course is to look at a recent OLLI catalog and determine what is being done in similar courses.  If you are unsure about what might be reasonable for your course, ask your Curriculum Committee contact or Chris McLeod (919-684-2703) for guidance.


How does the registration process work?  To whom should I refer a student who has a question about registration?

OLLI at Duke transitioned to an on-line registration process in Fall 2011.  Questions about the registration process should be directed to Chris McLeod (919-684-2703) or Kathy Parrish (919-681-3476).


Will I have a class assistant?  Who is responsible for recruiting that person?

The OLLI office will attempt to recruit a class assistant for you after class assignments are made.  Let the office know if you have a specific individual in mind, or if you would prefer to not have a class assistant.


Is there someone that can assist me in copying handouts?

The OLLI staff would be happy to show you or your class assistant how to operate the copier in Kathy Parrish's office at the Bishop’s House.  If you would prefer to have the OLLI staff make copies for you, please bring or e-mail the information to us at least one week before you need it.  The copier at JRC should only be used for very small copying jobs.


Will I be sent a list of students prior to the beginning of my class?

Yes, but you can access your "real time" class list using the OLLI Registration System three weeks before classes begin. Click HERE for instructions You can also call the OLLI office to request a list. 


Where can students and instructors legally park?

Detailed parking information is published in the OLLI course catalog, but a brief description for our three main classroom buildings is as follows:

  • At the Bishop’s House, an OLLI parking permit is required to park in the lot surrounding the building. This permit can be picked up on the first day of classes in the OLLI office. Two-hour, on-street parking is permitted on side streets surrounding East Campus without a parking permit. You may also park at Asbury United Methodist Church on Markham Avenue.
  • At Judea Reform Congregation (JRC), an OLLI parking permit is required. This permit can be picked up on the first day of classes from the OLLI staff.
  • At Smith Warehouse, a special parking pass with a barcode is required to enter the gated parking lot on Maxwell Avenue. The OLLI office will e-mail Smith Warehouse parking passes to instructors prior to the start of classes.


If I have problems with the classroom audiovisual equipment, to whom should I turn for help?

Operating instructions for the AV systems are available at each classroom location. If you follow these instructions and are still having problems, contact one of the OLLI staff members. They will either help you resolve the problem or will “call the cavalry.”

NOTE: To avoid “surprises,” we strongly recommend that instructors and class assistants participate in AV training sessions that are offered prior to each term. This training is mandatory for instructors using the black boxes for the first time. 


Will I be consulted before students are added to my class above the maximum number established when I submitted my course proposal?

Yes. The OLLI staff will contact you if more students sign up for your class than the maximum specified in your course proposal. You will be given the option of adding students or having the additional names placed on a “wait list.”


In case of my illness, do I have the liberty of obtaining a substitute or canceling the class for that day?

Yes. If you are ill and are unable to arrange a substitute, let the OLLI office know and we will attempt to notify your students.


Can I show copyrighted material, even full-length works (film or music), in my class?

US copyright law allows presentations of music, images and films in face-to-face teaching activities as long as the copies used for those performances and displays are legally made. Showing a film or playing music in a live classroom situation is allowed without a license, as long as it is legitimately teaching and not just entertainment.


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